119 Articles
Soaring SUV sales clash with attempts to slow climate change

200 million SUVs in the world and counting, up from 35 million in 2010

Soaring demand for SUVs drove record sales for premium carmakers including BMW and Mercedes last year, leaving the industry on collision course with government efforts to tackle global warming despite big investments in electric vehicles. BMW said on Friday deliveries by its main luxury brand rose 2% to a record 2,168,516 vehicles last year, thanks to a 21% jump in sales of its "X" branded sport-utility vehicles (SUV) which now make up 44% of the BMW brand's global sales. At Mercedes

Climate change policies are going to be costly, says U.N.-backed report

On the other hand, green automakers could more than double their value

Tighter government climate regulations by 2025 could wipe up to $2.3 trillion off the value of companies in industries ranging from fossil fuel producers to agriculture and car makers, an investor group warned in a report. Rules aimed at lowering carbon emissions are expected to accelerate in the coming years as countries scramble to meet obligations under the 2015 Paris climate agreement limiting global warming. "As the realities of climate change catch up, social pressure mounts, and low car

Germany sets $60B climate policy as youths protest worldwide

With 100,000 marching outside, Merkel boosts EV incentives but won't kill ICE

Under pressure from environmental protests and growing support for the opposition Green party, the German government agreed Friday on a 54 billion euro ($60 billion) package of measures for tackling climate change. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the deal hammered out by governing parties during marathon talks overnight would boost the country's contribution to fighting global warming. Europe's biggest economy aims to cut its greenhouse emissions by 55% by 2030 compared with 1990 levels.

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